Friday, July 15, 2011


This year has been pretty much characterized by new experiences, at least for me. I haven't been able to do some things that I would like to do, but on the other hand I'v been getting involved in others that have very much enriched my first half of the year. I've been getting more involved with the network, I took a journalism workshop, I'm even starting my own show which will be aired very soon. I've been taking all sorts of photography lessons, I started this blog, and this week I started teaching a fashion workshop for teenagers who are on their summer vacation. Needless to say hanging out with the girls has been very fun. They're very lively, very intelligent and extremely talented, I have to say I never thought I would enjoy myself so much. It's so important to surround yourself with young people because they always have something valuable to teach you and they keep your life fresh.  I have to thank ARTEPROYECTO for inviting me to do this and for giving me a platform to start something new.

Here are some images of our first week. Next week we're having our own little fashion photo shoot.

I absolutely loooove this picture!!!

More pictures to come next week.

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