Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Back when I lived in Milan one day I went to school wearing a white shirt sort of Mexican looking (you know which one's I'm talking about) with big colorful flowers embroidered (YES, I know!!! Don't act like you haven't done it!!!). When I got there I bumped into my dear friend Emmanuelle, who instantly saw me and before she even said hi to me she said: YOU LOOK SOOOO...GUATEMALAN!!! It stuck with me forever. So today while I was thinking how to name this post I of course remembered Manu's very spontaneous salute. Some thing's you never forget. 

So here's my YOU LOOK SO GUATEMALAN OUTFIT. Today we filmed a special edition of our morning show Matutino Express commemorating our independence day and for it I decided to wear my newly acquired güipil (güipil is an indian native blouse or dress) from Santiago Atitlán. It's actually vintage and a collectors piece. I love it!!!

The headpiece is also native but it's not from Santiago Atitlán. I'm embarrassed to admit I don't remember it's native region, sorry. Since the dress is actually very loose and boxy I decided to cinch my waist with my favorite Kenzo braided leather belt that I've had for  almost 10 years, seriously I think I bought that belt at Kenzo in Milan in 2002. I plan on wearing it for another 10 years, if not more.


  1. hello!
    i'm here, stalking u! XD hahahaha
    i love the dres, in general i´m a huge fan of native fabrics, the last holy week i was at coban, i learned to decolorate and knit some kind of fabric than the people of "Samac" called "picbil" they spend 3 months making only one güipil. And the last year i was in Acatenango learning how to make the belts that the women wears with the "corte" it was really amazing, but is a loooong process almost 5 days for each belt!
    i don´t understand why people don't like to wear native fabrics, i really luv them and i wear them, i have one man bags, one messenger bag and i costumize one of my pair of shoes with that :)



  2. Hahaha hello dear stalker!!! I have to admit I'm a bit jealous of all your amazing experiences. Being able to learn such millenary activities is a treasure to the mind. Keep on spreading your love for our wonderful native textiles and people will inevitably follow. Sooner or later, someone does.

    Take care and see you around!!!

  3. dear stalked:
    it was an amazing experience, because every pattern that u coud see in the garments are millenary stories that they tell generation by generation. I used some techniques for my own designs, but the people thought than they are cheaper because they look too guatemalan :(

    take care!


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