Saturday, February 25, 2012


Long live the Miami Vice days!!! Hahahahaha Don't you love it? Don Johnson in his good ol' days and Gloria Estefan and The Miami Sound Machine. For my next birthday the theme is going to be Miami Vice hahahahaha Fantastic!!! 

What she talking about? You must be thinking. Is she high? Weeeeell... I'm in Miami!!! I'm so happy I get to wake up open my eyes and BAM!!! The ocean in my face!!! I know some of you must be thinking: But Miami is not thaaaat big of a deal I've seen better places (and so have I) weeeeell... IT IS TO ME!!! I love it here, it's sunny, it's hot, I can walk around with very little clothes on, it's considered appropriate to walk into a store in your bikini and kaftan, it's 2 hours away from Guatemala, and I've always said that there's no greater privilege in life than being able to live in front of the ocean, nothing, not even a central park view apartment. Plus I hadn't been outside Guatemala for a whole year so the change of scenery is pretty refreshing. We came yesterday and I already went shopping, I'm already sans money hahahahaha today I'm going to beach to relax. Of course I brought my tiniest bikini because... well... who cares!!! It's Miami. 

Anyhow, I'm going to be sharing some images of my Miami experience with you for the next following week, I go back to Guate next Saturday, soooo stay tuned (if you even care). 

Have a lovely weekend!!!

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