Tuesday, March 20, 2012


How exciting was to find out I had a pair of  AG lemon-yellow (more like easter yellow) skinny jeans!!! Now that this colors are so in I don't have to go and spend my money in yet another pair of color jeans (who am I kidding, of course I'm gonna go spend my money in another pair). I have to confess something to you, don't tell anyone. I bought this jeans in 2009 so that means proooobably back in the days I my ass was a bit smaller in scale. Soooo this morning when I decided to try them on of course I was a bit scared that I wasn't gonna fit in them. I have to admit that I did struggle a bit but I succeeded lol!!! Sooo the question to my answer would be...YES!!! My ass is plumpy-er. The good news is I still fit in my yellow skinny jeans (not that having a plumpy behind is bad news).

Never mind my hideous hair. Once again it has been possessed by evil powers and it has acquired a life of it's own. Maybe in a far away future I'll come to terms with it, meanwhile I think I'm just gonna cut it a liiiiitle bit more ahhhhh I'm addicted. 

By the way, today we had a little earthquake here in Guatemala. There was a much stronger earthquake in Mexico and we felt it here. I live in a 17th floor so you must imagine how that feels. I was in the bathroom putting on mascara when I felt it. I thought I was still drunk from yesterday. Oh.. wait...yesterday was Monday! My bad! 


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