Monday, April 30, 2012


On Saturday my friends and I organized a little BBQ at my place. I live on a 17th floor apartment with an amazing view, a small kitchen and a very old school grill, it used to be my grandmother's actually. Originally we thought of having it at someone else's place with a garden but no one had their place available so I said: All I have to offer you is an old grill and a balcony but...mi casa es su casa, and so we did it. 

Leading the orchestra was my dear friend and chef Debora Fadul of Chef de Mon Coeur. You remember I interviewed Deby last week don't ya? Well... she told us all what to buy and we all collaborated a little bit doing something. The guys where in charge of the grill and we took care of the rest. Deby made for us the most delicious burgers I've had in my whole entire life, I'm not kidding, even my friend Reneé who doesn't eat burgers was chowing down that thing like there's no tomorrow.  We made two recipes, the ingredients: butter, cream cheese, goat cheese, cheddar cheese, swiss cheese, sun dried tomatoes, portobello mushrooms, arugula, spinach, seasoned tomatoes, caramelized onions, carrot chips... you like? If you want the recipes you're gonna have to visit Deby's blog to get them DELICIOUS!!! 

One more thing, Deby not only is the greatest chef she's also a highly creative person so she has the most unique ways of serving her food. Deby and I strongly believe that things don't have to look perfect to be perfect. Here's some images of our little Saturday get together. Hope you like them. Needless to say we had a blast!!!

On my next post: my favorite things at the farmers market. Stay tuned.

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