Monday, March 4, 2013



Today the ladies from Rococo Moda have a totally different kind of look for us. This time is all about leggings, well... actually they're more jeggings than leggings (jeans leggings). Ladies, you know how much you looove wearing leggings. It's that one thing you wear when you want to feel comfortable (you woke up one day and suddenly your size 2 jeans don't fit no more) . Today's look I call it Guatemalan relaxed. Guatemalan ballerina flats have become quite the trend right now, with different Guatemalan designers making their own creations they are the perfect thing to wear with your favorite leggings for a relaxed boho look (Guatemalan relaxed). 


Hoy las chicas de Rococo Moda nos tienen un look totalmente diferente. Esta vez se trata de leggings, en realidad son más jeggings que leggings (jeans leggings). Chicas, sabemos cuanto amaaaaan ponerse leggings. Es esa prenda que te pones siempre que deseas sentirte cómoda (de repente te levantas un día y tus jeans talla 2 ya no te quedan). El look de hoy lo llamo guatemalteco relajado. Las zapatillas con textiles guatemaltecos se han convertido en toda una tendencia, con diferentes diseñadores haciendo sus propias creaciones son la prenda perfecta para combinar con leggings para un look bohemio relajado (guatemalteco relajado).

(502) 2368-3788, (502) 4745-4094, (502) 5874-6898

Chick Stick
Dubai Center Nivel 1 Local 105

Bombora Boutique
6a Avenida 1-60 Zona 14, interior Salón Estilos 

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