Monday, June 20, 2011


Ok everyone, since last time I was a very VERY lazy little girl at the farmers market (due to the incessant heat and the very heavy carrots and onions I was carrying all over the place) this time I thought it was inexcusable not to take some wonderful pictures, sooo...guess what? today I have for you 22 very colorful images which I decide to divide in two posts because 22 seemed too much for just one post.

Here's part I of what I saw yesterday at the Farmers Market.

Ray Bans and the mariniére.

A young stylish couple.

Entertainment for the little ones (OK! maybe not ONLY the little ones where entertained with the chickens, so was I haha).

More stylish young people.

Carmela always so colorful.

With the lovely Chepa and Carmela.

I told you I was ALSO impressed by the chickens, so much I was that I actually wanted to take one with me but unfortunately I don't have a garden or a farm. 

Look at those gorgeous chickens!!!

Neon shoes!!!

Carmela is the girl with the colorful tennis shoes, last time she wore pink neon Converses.

A couple in love.

Sooooooooo STAY TUNED FOR PART II!!! some more lovely and colorful images coming your way soon later on today.

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