Today like every other Friday I have my weekly TV segment called "Style Sessions" on Canal Antigua (9am). It's 15 minutes that I have to talk about whatever topic I want related to style and fashion. It's super fun and I love it. I started working with the network November las year and it's been an amazing experience. Right now we're working on a show of my own WUHU!!! so let's hope it goes on air. I'll let you know a little more about it later on. If you're interested in seeing some of my past TV segments you can visit my website and enter where it says VIDEOS.
Anyhow, this month's topic has been MEN'S WARDROBE ESSENTIALS FOR SPRING-SUMMER. Yesterday I went to the very well known menswear boutique and lifestyle concept Saúl E. Méndez (if you'd like to learn more about Saúl E. Méndez you can visit they're website to pick out some outfits to show on Style Sessions. Today I'm showing how to create casual but fun and stylish outfits for spring (did I mention that Guatemala is spring all year round? yes we're that lucky).
Here are some images of what I'll be showing on TV today (now I run, still have to do my hair and makeup!!!) I hope you like them.
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Maria thanks for thinking of the clothes we would be better for us, I love the tie and blue shoes. God bless you, keep going.
Thank you Jose! I'm happy my post was of inspiration for you!
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