On Saturday after "Campo de Luz" when it was already reeeeally dark (maybe I wont do that again) we drove from Tecpan to Panajachel, where beautiful Lake Atitlan is. We wanted to show Angy one of our many Guatemalan wonders.
Of course now that Patty is here on a flash vacation (she leaves on Sunday to NYC!!!), I'm totally taking advantage of the situation and I'm making her take numerous pictures of me, of course we all know she loves doing it, don't you Patty?
However....she totally forbade me to upload any pictures until SHE has the chance to upload them on her Facebook. I said: Patty, seriously, I can't wait two years to upload this wonderful images, I need to keep my followers updated (because Patty always takes a lifetime to upload her pictured, yes I love you too Patty). After some begging she gave me full authorization to share some pictures taken of me, but ONLY of me and maybe just a couple of me and Angy, out of 1,000,000,000,000 pictures, that's practically nothing.
Anywho, here are some images of our exciting glamorous and bohemian weekend in Atitlan.
I wish I could remember this guy's name, he had traveled all over, I'm telling you, and just right now he and his girlfriend are planning to go to the Amazons (YES!!!) to raise their child because apparently there's some sort of alternative school there that teaches you a lot about nature and how to fish for piranhas.
The bag that I'm carrying belonged to my father. My father passed away December 2009 and he left me a collection of vintage cameras and vintage camera bags that I love, love, love. This one in particular comes with me everywhere I go.
Here, a much closer look of my cool camera bag.
Lake Atitlan, one of this earth's wonders.
Ok, now I should describe my outfit. It's actually mostly MNG and Massimo Dutti with a little bit of vintage and J.Crew here and there.
Bag: Vintage
Necklaces: Vintage
Sunglasses: Vintage
Watch: Vintage
Neon bracelet: J.Crew
Neon stripped scarf: J.Crew
Head scarf: MNG
Pants and denim shirt: MNG
Shoes: Massimo Dutti
Shirt: Massimo Dutti
Om, maybe we where just faking having a conversation hahaha, you know you've done it before too, don't lie.
Of course by the time this little guy approached us we where already way broke.
I have to admit that sometime sports cars don't quite interest me that much, what I would loooove is a vintage pickup truck with a turbo motor of course.
You have to admit we do look good together.
How come sometimes I end up looking like some cartoon character?
That's all folks, I hope you enjoyed it!!!
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